i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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✧ des ✧

✧ desi | diamandis ✧
✧ she/her ✧
✧ twenty four ✧
✧ september 23 ✧
✧ lumiose, kalos ✧
✧ bisexual ✧
✧ teravolt edm artist ✧
✧ gym leader ✧
✧ do i know what's real? ✧
673 posts
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TAG WITH @desiree
POSTED ON Jun 1, 2024 18:42:44 GMT

[attr="class","omgentop"]PSYCHEDELIC BADGE ♡¸.•'





♡ Welcome to THE PSYCHEDELIC CHATEAU 2.0, an antique marble castle now resting on the edge of LAVARIDGE TOWN. Surrounded by four bubble domes with open windows of stained glass, which connect and allow the structure to jet outward from its center, it exists as a controlled environment for creatures that have strayed too far from their typical woodland path- a false forest and greenhouse tied together, engineered to provide ample opportunity for growth and prosperity for any who find their way into the inside. Some may leave, and some may call this place their home until they breathe their last breath.[break][break]

It is an ideal paradise to many in comparison to the ashen soot that pours out of the nearby volcano. Inside of paradise, it is recommended to let go and truly live- to heal, and in tandem with the gimmick of the gym challenge, to ingest mushroom spores. Through the consumption of the pink pills, handmade and ethically harvested by the gym leader herself, one will be able to witness the true gifts of the greens that have crept up mt. chimney.[break][break]

The melding of colors, the hallucinogenic dreamscape that is unique to each person; the decalcification of one's pineal gland for just a moment, and on the other side of the fungal coin, the processing of trauma. Though peace can come exclusively through indulgence, the mind may share truths just as it may share lies- false things, false sights. The flowers creeping up the winding ivies may call out, they may speak to the soul- and just as easily they may turn into the quivering toxic chain, for example.[break][break]

Intoxication can bring just as many blessings as it can curses- it can bring the loss of one's self. Addiction. The consumption of the now-upped dosage is not for the faint of heart.

gym leader

♡ Following the events of PRISMATIC PENITENTIARY as well as her involvement in BLOOD, MUD, and IRON as well as ULTRA DEEP SEA EXPEDITIONS, has since been promoted from the minor league and swayed from her previous tenure of running the psychedelic chateau in Evergrande City- specifically to LAVARIDGE TOWN, as the increased activity of MT. CHIMNEY following the events of PRIMEVAL and general discordance have led her to wish for a spot that had previously not been occupied since before she arrived in Hoenn. [break][break]

♡ Yet the purpose of the PSYCHEDELIC CHATEAU remains, which to the gym leader, seems more important than ever before. The educational objective of the Lavaridge Gym is to prepare trainers for situations that tamper with the mind, body, and soul- such as the ultra deep sea's radiation and the effects of the toxic chain. through the consumption of combined fungal pokemon spores, trainers can test their natural links with their pokemon and their ability to make spur-of-the-moment decisions while experiencing visual and mental changes from external forces and foreign entities.[break][break]

while consumption of the spore pill is optional when challenging in a traditional battle, taking the approved substance is encouraged for preparation against the oddities that may be in store for hoenn as a whole.[break][break]

♡ expect desiree to use fairy, grass, forest-dwelling, and pink pokemon in pokemon battles.


♡ while the nature of this gym is eccentric due to the consumption of spore compounds, it is expected of challengers to know their limits and act accordingly; intentional destruction of the gym is grounds for removal from the premises of the psychedelic chateau.[break][break]

destiny bond and perish song are not allowed to be used.[break][break]

legendary pokemon, ultra beasts, mythicals, etc. and mega evolution, terastallization, z moves, etc. are allowed as long as you let the gym leader know during signups![break][break]

dynamax is not allowed due to a power spot not having been discovered in lavaridge town.[break][break]

killing of pokemon is utterly prohibited and intents to do so after knock-outs in battle will result in removal and reports to law enforcement.[break][break]

♡ threads that have not been posted in within 18 days will be archived, though challengers can use up to 14 extension days maximum. i will try to be as flexible as possible for further extensions with communication/situations that may arise, though if there are challenges building up in queue i may request to archive if stagnated too long. ♡

sign ups

♡ there will be three gym challenges going on at a time, this is subject to change.

[b]name:[/b] @tag
[b]pokemon:[/b] gimme those movesets
[b]challenge format:[/b] traditional, augmented traditional, or nontraditional, 1v1 or 2v2 (pick course if nontraditional)



— ‘slide’ nontraditional (minor league)[break]
— augmented traditional[break]
— augmented traditional[break][break][break][break]


— ‘shoot’ nontraditional[break]
— traditional [break][break]


psychedelic badge[break]retainers

| nontraditional 'slide' race (minor league)[break]
| nontraditional battle (minor league)[break][break]



traditional pokemon battles can either be 1v1 or 2v2, with up to two pokemon able to be brought by the challenger. the default battle setting will be 2v2 with two pokemon each.[break][break]

augmented traditional pokemon battles are the same criteria above, though with the consumption of the mushroom spore pill. challengers will take the pill alongside the gym leader and face the hallucinations together, though set against each other, in battle. taking this will cause those consuming to face psychedelic visuals, such as swirling colors and a blurring or delay in vision, heightened anxieties, false delusions, and may cause struggles in conveying commands to challenging pokemon. augmented traditional battles will go into traditional slots.[break][break]

♡ winning the battle against the gym leader will result in being granted the psychedelic badge and TM MISTY TERRAIN.



nontraditional obstacle course challenges are a race to the finish line- which can sometimes be a struggle due to the exertion of physical capabilities while on the mushroom spore pill. made to test physical alongside mental while under the influence of hallucinogenic effects, challengers are able to select one of three courses: spin, slide, or shoot. click the titles for visual references![break][break]

♡ during obstacle course challenges, challengers will bring one pokemon alongside them to compete in the race against the gym leader. due to the nature of this challenge, to test the physical capabilities of the trainer and dependence on their pokemon, any pokemon riding must be ground-based if wished for (flying over the course or anything similar will cause disqualification); this challenge can also be done on foot beside a pokemon, and is encouraged.[break][break]

riding vs. doing it on foot will yield same results, one is not better than the other. race progression will revolve around dice rolls, the creativity of using pokemon moves unconventionally to assist, and prompts posted by the gym leader. more information below:

ROLLS: challengers will begin the race with a single roll, and any additional rolls necessary will be requested in prompts.[break][break]

1-25: failure to advance to the next obstacle.[break][break]
26-35: advances to next obstacle, though will take disadvantage on next roll.[break][break]
36-75: advances to next obstacle.[break][break]
76-100: advances to next obstacle, and will take advantage on next roll.[break][break]

once per post, the companion pokemon may use a move/be commanded to use a move to assist the trainer in traversing the obstacles. the more creative the better![break][break]

for example, a pokemon attempting to use a move to block an approaching ball, a pokemon using a move to stop a spinning obstacle from moving so fast, a tailwind to run faster, support moves, etc! these moves must positively affect the trainer, sabotaging the rival racer is not allowed; by using a move creatively this way, it will net the trainer advantage on their next roll in their following post.
♡ winning against the gym leader or successfully overcoming the effects of the hallucinations/being deemed worthy will net the challenger the psychedelic badge.

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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
1,827 posts
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TAG WITH @andreavaneau
Andrea Vaneau
POSTED ON Jun 1, 2024 19:11:14 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar

pokemon: Ogerpon (moveset: ivy cudgel, power whip, play rough, stomping tantrum, synthesis, spiky shield)

challenge format: augmented traditional 1v1
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he / him / his
october 13
Malie, Alola
blissfully unaware
shepherd & lorekeeper
remember me
for centuries
40 height
40 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
418 posts
Jack Napier DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @napier
Jack Napier
POSTED ON Jun 1, 2024 20:33:17 GMT
Jack Napier Avatar
pokemon: cordy the absol; female / super luck / detect, swords dance, night slash, future sight, sucker punch, psycho cut | tera: flying
challenge format: nontraditional, shoot course


it's a long life full of long nights

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
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